
Chacott for Professional Enriching creamy foundation HD 高清粉底

呢支粉底其實都用左一排, 之前一直覺得效果唔算好超卓, 普著通通咁所以拖左2個月都唔寫.

之但係呢個星期天氣涼左, 濕度低左, 我又姑且試多幾日, 果然效果比之前廿幾三十度好得多喎!

Chacott既粉底有呢隻creamy 係俾乾性皮膚, 而另一隻liquid 就適合油至混合性皮膚.

可能我既皮膚夏天唔算真係好乾, 之前用一直都覺得d粉甩得快, 而且唔夠貼伏.
到真正入秋, 佢就變得剛剛好, 問題無左, 亦keep得耐, 唔駛點補妝, 有面油既話用紙巾印印就得, 個妝都好完整.

效果大家看下圖啦, 都幾好架, 張相我都無執過, 係CUT走左一半面囉 :)
佢遮毛孔OK, 但我的嚴重黑眼圈就只可遮到7-8成, 暗瘡印都只係一般, 但整體都尚算不錯啦!

4 則留言:

匿名 說...


MEii 說...

hi i'm also wondering if you guys are selling items from Chacott brand.
i look through ur yahoo auction and i only see the chacott finishing powder but not the foundation nor the hd powder. And it seems like alot of your items from the blog are not in the auction neither. so i was wondering are there any way i can see the whole list of items that you guys are selling?! cuz i really want to make some purchase from you guys.

Cosmetics BB 說...

唔好意思呀, 其實我試既野基本上都在店內有售(或可以訂購), 拍賣方面因人手不足未能更新, 如果大家想買而不方便去鋪頭, 可以直接email 購買:

而Chacott 既全系列彩妝我地都有售賣的.

台中短租套房-夏卡爾 說...